Unlock Unprecedented Value from your consulting investments

With consource, needs meet expertise, savings fuel impact, and success knows no limits.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments

See how consource unlocks your full potential

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments
Consource is more than a procurement platform; it’s a revolution in how you approach and manage consulting projects. From initial planning to final execution, Consource ensures that your investments align with your strategic goals, maximizing impact and minimizing costs.

Transformations Fail! 

Experience reveals a stark truth: many transformations fall short of their potential. Studies estimate that 70% of complex, large-scale business transformations fail to achieve their goals.

Pourquoi ?

Despite expertise in change management, project management, and goal setting, reality is far from ideal. Limited budgets, resource allocation challenges, and failure to secure results with the right providers hinder success.

We created consource to change that.
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments

Dépensez sur les bons projets.

Align your consulting investments with your strategy. Reduce maverick spending and ensure every dollar counts.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments

Maximisez l'impact de vos
projets de conseil

Supercharge your consulting performance. Achieve more with your consulting budget by focusing on high-impact projects.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments

Réduisez vos coûts de conseil

Optimize your consulting spend. Create relevant competition and negotiate contracts effectively to achieve significant savings.

Transforming your consulting investments in the Digital Age

Explore the transformative power of digital solutions with our expert-led webinar. Unlock the full value of your consulting investments.

What consource can do for you

Unleash the Performance of your Consulting Investments with One Seamless Platform

Accompagnement sur l'intégralité du cycle de vie des projets

Elevate your consulting initiatives with our complete project lifecycle management solution. From inception to completion, manage every aspect seamlessly.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsAppels d'offres
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsSourcing et sélection
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsGestion des contrats
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsGestion de projet
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsFactures et paiements
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsKnowledge Management
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments

Supplier Excellence & Management

Onboard suppliers, manage profiles, and control contracts effortlessly. Elevate your supplier management process with ease.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsCustom Onboarding
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments360° Providers Profiles
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsProvider portal
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsRisk Management
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsPlans d'amélioration
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsGestion du panel

Financial & Strategy Alignment

Take control of your strategic priorities. Manage your budget and performance analysis with robust features designed to align financials and strategy.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsAnalyse des dépenses
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsGestion de la demande
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsROI Analysis
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsPerformance Analysis
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments

Smart Consulting Excellence Hub

Unlock the potential of our extensive network, academy, ready-made templates, and expert support. Your smarter approach to leveraging consulting starts here.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsRéseau mondial Consource
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsSourcing Academy
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsBibliothèque de modèles
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsConsulting Sourcing Concierge

Sécurité, confidentialité et respect de la vie privée

We prioritize the security of your data. Our state-of-the-art security features ensure confidentiality and safety, giving you peace of mind.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsSécurité
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsConfidentialité
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsIntégrité des processus
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsDisponibilité
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting InvestmentsVie privée et protection des données
Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments

Ce qu'ils disent de consource

Ne vous fiez pas à notre seule parole. Curieux de savoir ce que signifie l'utilisation de consource ? Lisez les expériences de nos utilisateurs.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments


SVP Indirect Procurement - Retail Banking Latam

For contract preparation and negotiations, the platform is simply awesome.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments


Directeur financier - Biotech

We don’t run a lot of consulting projects per year, but with consource, the process is a breeze.

Unlock Unprecedented Value from Your Consulting Investments


Chief Procurement Officer – Hospitality

I was impressed by the amount of companies and the details about them. This is really helpful
in identifying alternatives to our incumbents.

Elevate your game with our expert insights.

Benefit from our wealth of practical advice, templates, and tools designed to transform the way you manage your consulting investments.

How to Decode the Price of a Project with these 5 Simple Tactics?

Struggling to understand project pricing? Our guide breaks down 5 simple tactics to help you decode costs with ease. From analyzing quotes to assessing hidden fees and value, learn how to navigate project expenses like a pro. Empower yourself with the knowledge to make smarter, cost-effective decisions for any project.

How to Decode the Price of a Project

Maximize Your Consulting Investments with consource

Unlock unprecedented value from your consulting investments with Consource. Maximize impact, reduce costs, and achieve success with our innovative solutions. Book a demo now to see how Consource can transform your consulting strategy.