Activez les bons leviers pour atteindre vos objectifs financiers

par | Aug 5, 2024

As we approach 2025, the pressure is on to activate the right levers and meet your financial targets for the year. You’ve set ambitious goals for EBITDA and cash flow, but as Q2 looms, your leadership team may be starting to feel the strain. It’s a common scenario—facing the challenge of hitting targets with a limited set of tools. While focusing on innovation and expanding your customer base is essential, you can also tap into additional levers to get back on track. Here’s how you can take decisive action, with some strategies that not only address immediate needs but also ensure long-term success.

Manage Your Consulting Spend

Procuring consulting services in today’s complex business environment is a strategic endeavor that requires more than just selecting the lowest bidder. Consulting is a nuanced industry, often described as a matrix of capabilities, industries, and expertise. As we move into 2025, managing your consulting spend effectively can be a game-changer for achieving your financial targets.

  • Leverage Demand Management: The first step in managing consulting spend is to control demand. By clearly defining the scope of each project and aligning it with your strategic goals, you can ensure that consulting services are only procured when absolutely necessary. Implementing a strong demand management process helps you avoid unnecessary spending and ensures that every consulting engagement adds real value to your organization.
  • Engage Specialized Consultants: To professionalize your teams and enhance their ability to manage consulting engagements effectively, consider bringing in consultants who specialize in optimizing the use of consulting services. These experts can provide guidance on how to select the right consultants, structure engagements for maximum impact, and ensure that your internal teams are fully equipped to manage these relationships.
  • Utilize Procurement Platforms: Platforms like offer advanced tools for managing consulting spend. With capabilities such as spend analytics, supplier management, and contract tracking, these platforms enable you to gain full visibility into your consulting expenses and make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources. By leveraging data-driven insights, you can optimize your consulting procurement process and maximize ROI.

Strategic Takeaway: In 2025, strategic management of consulting spend through demand management, specialized consulting expertise, and procurement platforms is essential. These tools and partnerships enable you to focus your consulting investments where they will drive the most value, helping you meet and exceed your financial targets.

Buy Better on Direct Costs

Optimizing procurement costs has always been a critical lever for impacting P&L and cash flow, but the strategies for doing so have evolved significantly as we head into 2025. Supply chain disruptions, geopolitical instability, and evolving market dynamics make it more important than ever to adopt a proactive and data-driven approach to procurement.

  • Leverage Data Analytics: Advanced data analytics is no longer a luxury but a necessity. By evaluating supply and demand trends on a granular level, you can identify opportunities to renegotiate contracts, optimize spend, and uncover quick wins. Breaking down spend by SKU and analyzing market conditions can reveal areas where you can drive significant savings.
  • Renegotiate Contracts: The market in 2025 is more volatile than ever, and that volatility presents opportunities. Renegotiating contracts based on real-time supply and demand conditions allows you to avoid being locked into unfavorable terms. For example, in industries with fluctuating raw material costs, dynamic pricing models can be implemented to ensure you’re always paying a fair price.
  • Diversify Supply Sources: Supply chain resilience is critical in 2025. Bringing in second-source suppliers not only mitigates risk but also strengthens your negotiating position. This is particularly relevant in sectors like electronics, where supply chain disruptions have been frequent.

Strategic Takeaway: Data-driven procurement strategies, coupled with agile contract management, will help you navigate the complexities of 2025. By staying proactive and leveraging advanced tools, you can drive substantial savings on direct costs.

Leverage Pricing

Pricing remains one of the most powerful and immediate levers for boosting profitability. However, in 2025, the approach to pricing must be more sophisticated, utilizing technology and customer insights to maximize impact.

  • Differentiated Products: If you offer differentiated products, now is the time to reassess your pricing strategy. Advanced analytics can help you understand customer willingness to pay, allowing you to capture more value without driving customers to competitors. Dynamic pricing models, powered by AI, can adjust prices in real-time based on demand fluctuations and market conditions.
  • Commodities: For commodity products, pricing must be agile and responsive to market conditions. Implementing smart price-volume strategies can help you maximize profits while optimizing asset utilization. Predictive analytics can forecast market changes, enabling you to adjust prices proactively rather than reactively.
  • Services: As the service economy continues to grow, it’s important to ensure you’re pricing services for the value they deliver. Whether it’s advanced inventory management, 24/7 customer support, or IoT-enabled auto-replenishment, consider how you can differentiate service levels and monetize them effectively.

Strategic Takeaway: Pricing strategies in 2025 should be dynamic and data-driven, allowing you to capture maximum value while staying competitive. Advanced analytics and AI are key enablers of effective pricing strategies.

Buy Better on Indirect Costs

While direct costs often take the spotlight, optimizing indirect costs is just as crucial. As companies continue to adapt to new ways of working, particularly in a hybrid or remote environment, indirect costs have come under renewed scrutiny.

  • Centralize Procurement: In 2025, many companies have successfully centralized their procurement functions, particularly for indirect costs like insurance, travel, and consulting. This centralized approach allows for better negotiation power and more strategic spend management.
  • Leverage Technology: AI-driven expense management tools are becoming more widespread, offering real-time tracking and optimization of indirect spending. These tools help identify waste, enforce policy compliance, and uncover savings opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed.
  • Optimize Digital Tools: With remote work now the norm, it’s essential to ensure that you’re fully leveraging existing digital tools to reduce travel and office expenses. Companies that have successfully implemented comprehensive remote work policies have seen significant reductions in travel costs and increased productivity.

Strategic Takeaway: By centralizing procurement and leveraging technology, you can achieve significant savings on indirect costs, freeing up resources to invest in growth and innovation.

Play on Cash

Cash flow management is more critical than ever in 2025, with global economic uncertainty creating challenges for businesses across all sectors. Effective cash management strategies are essential for maintaining liquidity and ensuring your company can weather any storms that arise.

  • Capitalize on Fintech Solutions: Fintech innovations continue to revolutionize cash management. Dynamic discounting and supply chain financing platforms allow you to negotiate favorable payment terms with suppliers, improving cash flow while maintaining good relationships with key vendors.
  • Delay Non-Essential Investments: Prioritizing CAPEX remains a key strategy. Delaying non-essential investments allows you to maintain cash reserves for strategic initiatives or unexpected needs. Focus on investments with the highest immediate ROI to ensure you’re making the most of your capital.
  • Improve Cash Collection: Advanced credit management tools, powered by AI, can streamline the collection process, reduce DSO (Days Sales Outstanding), and improve cash flow predictability. In 2025, companies that effectively manage their receivables have a significant advantage.

Strategic Takeaway: Leveraging fintech solutions and maintaining disciplined cash management practices will be crucial for optimizing cash flow in 2025. By doing so, you’ll ensure your company has the liquidity it needs to thrive.

Optimize Assets

Asset optimization strategies in 2025 are increasingly focused on digital innovation and strategic partnerships. As businesses seek to maximize the value of their assets, they are turning to new technologies and collaborative models.

  • Digital Twins: Digital twin technology is becoming a game-changer in asset management. By creating virtual replicas of physical assets, companies can monitor performance in real-time, predict maintenance needs, and optimize utilization. This technology is particularly valuable in capital-intensive industries like manufacturing and energy.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Strategic partnerships continue to offer significant opportunities for asset optimization. By partnering with companies that have complementary capabilities, you can maximize asset utilization and reduce costs. For example, a defense contractor might partner with a tech company to utilize idle manufacturing capacity during off-peak periods.
  • Shared Economy Models: The shared economy is also making inroads into asset management. Companies are increasingly exploring models where underutilized assets are leased to other businesses, generating additional revenue streams and improving ROI.

Strategic Takeaway: Embracing digital twins, strategic partnerships, and shared economy models will help you optimize assets in 2025, driving efficiency and profitability.

Get Back on Track: Activate the Right Levers

As we prepare for 2025, the strategies outlined here will be critical for getting back on track and meeting your financial targets. Whether you’re recovering from a slow start to the year or building a buffer against future uncertainties, now is the time to act. Don’t wait until Q3 to make the necessary adjustments—dedicate internal resources and consider bringing in external experts to help you navigate these complex challenges.

At, we specialize in providing the tools and platforms necessary to optimize your consulting spend and drive better outcomes. Our platform offers a comprehensive solution for managing your consulting procurement, from spend analytics to contract management, ensuring you make informed decisions that maximize value.

As you plan for the year ahead, leveraging the right levers and tools will position you to not only meet but exceed your financial targets for 2025. Make the smart choice—partner with and set your business on the path to success.

Questions Fréquemment Posées

How can companies effectively manage their consulting spend in 2025?

Companies can manage their consulting spend by implementing strong demand management processes, engaging specialized consultants, and utilizing procurement platforms like These strategies help control costs, optimize consultant selection, and ensure consulting engagements deliver maximum value.

What are some ways to optimize procurement costs for direct expenses?

Optimizing procurement costs for direct expenses involves leveraging data analytics to evaluate supply and demand trends, renegotiating contracts based on real-time market conditions, and diversifying supply sources to enhance supply chain resilience. These strategies enable companies to identify savings opportunities and negotiate more favorable terms with suppliers.

How can businesses leverage pricing strategies to boost profitability in 2025?

To boost profitability through pricing strategies, businesses should adopt dynamic pricing models, utilize advanced analytics to understand customer willingness to pay, and implement smart price-volume strategies for commodities. For services, differentiating based on value delivered and adjusting prices accordingly can also help maximize revenue.

Why is managing indirect costs important for businesses?

Managing indirect costs is important because these expenses, such as insurance, travel, and office supplies, can accumulate quickly and impact a company’s bottom line. Centralizing procurement, leveraging AI-driven expense management tools, and optimizing digital tools for remote work can help identify savings opportunities and reduce unnecessary spending.

What strategies can improve cash flow management in 2025?

Improving cash flow management involves using fintech solutions like dynamic discounting and supply chain financing platforms, prioritizing capital expenditures based on immediate ROI, and enhancing cash collection processes with advanced credit management tools. These strategies help maintain liquidity and ensure financial stability amid economic uncertainty.

How can companies optimize their assets for better financial performance?

Companies can optimize their assets by adopting digital twins to monitor performance and predict maintenance needs, forming strategic partnerships to maximize asset utilization, and exploring shared economy models to generate additional revenue. These approaches help improve asset efficiency, reduce costs, and drive profitability.


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